Thoughts, Temper and Tongue

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Thoughts, Temper and Tongue

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When we are alone, we have our thoughts to control. When we are with our family, we have our tempers to watch. When in society, it's often our tongues that we must be concerned about.

Right thoughts can help make us the people we ought to be and influence our actions (Proverbs 12:5). An out-of-control temper can cause hurts that heal very slowly (Proverbs 18:19). Our tongues can spread both good and evil, and they seem to require more control than we can humanly muster (James 3:8-10).

God is willing to help us control our thoughts, and when we do that, we can control everything else. Paul strongly recommended filling our minds with the things that lead to godliness. When we focus on God's ways, laws and the Word He wrote for us, our lives are enriched and we can become a blessing to others (Philippians 4:8-9).

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