Mending Fences

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Mending Fences

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Jesus Christ’s ultimate sacrifice on the cross made possible eternal life for us. He forgave even those who were crucifying Him (Luke 23:34). In reality, by our sins we were all responsible for His death, so He paid the penalty for all our sins.

Can we follow His example and forgive others whose faults and mistakes hurt us (Colossians 3:13)? Harboring a grudge against someone for years does no good. It only makes us feel bitter.

Contact your adversary. See whether you can heal what separates you (Matthew 5:23-24). It’s like mending a broken fence. If you are successful in renewing the relationship, you’ll become friends again! As Christians, we are to be peacemakers in this evil and presently dying world (Matthew 5:9). Life in God’s family, which should be our goal, lies ahead of us. What a great reward!

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