Pass It On

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Pass It On

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We live among family, friends and strangers on this earth. We have the ability to decide how we live and how we interact with one another; we learn these skills as children and develop them into adulthood as we grow in knowledge. We can cause sorrow or we can cause joy in others. We can be sad or we can be glad.

It is a good goal to make at least one other person happy every day. The various scouting organizations encourage boys and girls to do one good deed every day. They try to make just a little difference in the life of someone else. That is a noble goal. It is designed to help and develop the scout as well as the recipient of the good deed.

Make at least one person happy every day and you will soon realize that you are happy too. There is an “echo” to passing on a compliment or happiness. These principles are taught in the Bible. We reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7) and we gain by first giving something away (Luke 6:38). But it is important to realize that when we pass something on, we should not expect something in return. Whatever comes back may not be what we expect, and we may not recognize its value. Just pass it on and know that you’ve helped to encourage others!

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