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Some assume it is His will that we live in a poor home or have a low-paying job when it may not be. Some assume that everything that happens is the will of God. While we humans neglect to set goals and instead make excuses, God waits for us to learn the lessons that lead to fulfilling and wonderful lives. He wants us to have an abundant life (John 10:10).

God does not leave us without encouragement or words of wisdom. He tells us plainly to roll up our sleeves and work hard at whatever we are doing (Ecclesiastes 9:10). Paul clarifies another point when he tells us to learn to be efficient and accurate in our work. He said to run (or work) with certainty and "not as one who beats the air" (1 Corinthians 9:26-27). Are things not going well in your life? What are you doing about it? God is waiting and watching. God gives us what we need to bake our daily bread, but He does not mix and bake it for us.

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