Why Did I Say or Do That?

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Why Did I Say or Do That?

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To explain why we said or did something can seem like a mystery. We are complicated thinking beings. All of our past experiences are locked in our minds, and sometimes they surface in the most unexpected ways. We can be puzzled with ourselves. We have inner motivations that we do not always understand. Realizing that we can be without an answer can be a big first step to controlling what we say or do.

We can complicate all that we are when we are driven from within. We can deceive ourselves and we can forget the kind of person we once were (James 1:23, 24). God does expect us to look into the mirror, see ourselves, and then set about acting in a way that will allow us to overcome any inner emotions or motivations that could catch us unexpectedly. If it were impossible for a person to overcome the inner self, God would not ask it of us, but He does. Furthermore, He has already set about helping us along the way by blessing our efforts. We can all be better than we are now, but it takes effort and time.

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  • Nelson

    This is a daily reality for us thinking beings . So let's toward Paul Timothy II 4 : 6-7 , the good fight ! Many times we feel weak , but prayer and faith surely always will be our weapons to this good fight !
    Trying to become a better person should be always the target of the Christians and it is the good fight. Difficult but with spiritual awards, the friendship of our Maker.

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