The Dangers of Success

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The Dangers of Success

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If something has deprived them of the desire to be successful, that drive needs to be re-installed. However, there are dangers in being successful. There are also dangers in crossing a busy street. But those dangers do not mean we should not cross, but they mean we should be careful.

One of the dangers of being too successful is that we tend to forget where that success came from. When we forget that, we tend to forget God (Proverbs 28:9). Extremes of poverty or of success carry with them the danger of actions that are displeasing to God. Learning to handle success without becoming overly conceited and great in our own sight is vital. When we master that lesson, we will be able to have greater successes and we will handle them well. There is no greater success that to be included in the resurrection into the family of God. That success depends on how we handle the dangers along the way.

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  • Nelson
    Very well clear about somebody forgetting Who take Who to the success.To Me, no GOD no success.I already had an experience in my professional life. When I arrived on the Top I forgot WHO took me there. After it, just destruction but currently my Life is dedicated to become my relationship with GOD each time more closed and it´s working. I feel constantly the wonderful presence of our LORD. GOD Bless You for the wise warnings!!!
  • Jason Nitzberg
    You know your intro tag line - I disagree, respectfully. I do not believe everyone wants to be successful in whatever they find to do - otherwise, why was that wisdom from Solomon so poignent? However, the Proverbs you referenced is my favorite scripture and what I ask for from God: Give me neither poverty nor riches. One lest I steal and curse you, and the other lest I make a mockery of You and forget Your name. The funny thing about the 'medium' is that since there will always be someone smarter than you, slower than you, poorer than you, and richer than you, that 'medium' is actually a pretty wide spectrum. Wealth is 'a' root of evil ... pride / selfishness / vanity is where evil comes from. Here in America, we are crazy wealthy, even those of us that qualify as 'low income'. But no matter what bracket you find yourself, God is asking, "So, what are you going to do now with what you got?"
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