Second Chances

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Second Chances

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We believe that people can make a clean break, start again and improve their lives. Although that can be taken to an extreme, it is that hope that has allowed many to turn a page in their lives and be better for it. A person may experience great suffering before their understanding kicks in and they seek a change.

Christian values have added this hope to all who want to change. The account of the prodigal son is famous (Luke 15:11-24). This story that Jesus related explains the wonder of our heavenly Father welcoming back a child that has wandered in wrong directions due to bad choices. Almighty God gives all who would, a second chance. He is constant in this and calls to those who are lost (and all mankind has been). "‘Come now, let us reason together,' says the Lord, ‘though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow…If you are willing and obedient'" (Isaiah 1:18-19). Second chances are a blessing and reflect the mind of a loving God.