Is Today the Only Day of Salvation?

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Is Today the Only Day of Salvation?

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Is Today the Only Day of Salvation?

MP3 Audio (750.95 KB)

A Beyond Today viewer writes that if one does not accept Christ now you will not have another chance. Is this true? Or does the Bible teach otherwise?



[Darris McNeely] If a person does not accept Jesus Christ now, will they have another chance at salvation? A Beyond Today viewer wrote us that question after yesterday's Beyond Today program, "Moving Beyond Tragedy," where we showed the hope of the resurrection, the fact that even small children who die through tragic circumstances will have the hope of the resurrection, will come to understand God's plan of salvation. Steve, people who ask that type of question, because we had a Beyond Today viewer write that into us, don't really understand and put together all the Scriptures on that subject.

[Steve Myers] Well, the hard part is that there's so much false teaching out there when it comes to when are people saved. And now is not the only day of salvation. The Bible, when you put all of the passages together, shows that today is not the only day, that God is love and wants all to come to repentance and have that opportunity to understand His way and come to know Him.

[Darris McNeely] Scripture does very clearly show that Christ is the door to salvation; it is in His name only that one is saved, but look at just a few examples of Scripture where Jesus Himself did talk about this subject. In Matthew chapter 12, He was talking about the peoples of Nineveh and Sodom and saying that these thoroughly pagan and sinful people will be treated very mercifully in a coming day of judgment (Matthew 12:41). He spoke very highly, or their opportunity, to have a chance to repent and to understand and come to know God when they didn't in that, in their lifetime. So, that one Scripture alone brings out the hope once again, just like we were talking about in our program "Moving Beyond Tragedy."

[Steve Myers] Right, well it's a dilemma if you think that just because you were born in a country that never had knowledge of Jesus Christ, that you never heard the name of Jesus, that you're lost. But that's not the case. God compares various generations coming up in a resurrection to physical life where they'll have an opportunity to understand God. They'll have that chance to know Him and to honor Him and to love Him.

[Darris McNeely] One other Scripture, Matthew chapter 13, the parable of the sower and seed, where Jesus Himself said that the masses were not able to understand the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. It was not given to them to understand. It was by His deliberate design as He spoke the parables, but there's going to be coming a time, as we showed in our program, where people will understand the mysteries of the Kingdom of God for the first time and get their one chance for salvation (Matthew 13:1-9 and Matthew 13:18-23).

[Steve Myers] They'll have that opportunity. What a wonderful day that will be. That God, God really is love and not a respecter of persons and He cares for you. It's a big subject so there's much to know about it. So get some extra information. We've got some Bible aides to help you out so check out our website for more.

[Darris McNeely] And stop operating under the assumption that today is the only day of salvation and that if a person does not accept Jesus Christ today, in their life, that they've had their only chance. That's just not true. Everyone gets one chance. It's important to understand what that chance is and to accept it when it does come.

[Steve Myers] That's BT Daily. We'll see you tomorrow.