Beyond Today: What's Behind a Name?

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What's Behind a Name?

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Beyond Today: What's Behind a Name?

MP3 Audio (650.95 KB)

What exactly does 'Beyond Today' mean for you?


[Darris McNeely] Have you ever come to a moment in your life after a series of mistakes or pattern of behavior that has produced some wrong results, problems, grief, suffering, and you finally have a wakeup call through whatever circumstance, "Hey, I can begin making decisions that are going to impact my life better beyond this moment - clean it up, turn it around, and make my life better." Probably you have, we all have. That was the idea - that is the idea behind the name that we have for our television program, Beyond Today, and what we do here with these short dailies, BT Dailys. Life is full of choices. We're always making choices. And sometimes we make bad choices, but it's when we learn that we can make choices and plan, live, think beyond our present moment and what we do will impact our life beyond today for a better time that we come to the essence of the meaning that is behind this phrase beyond today.

[Steve Myers] It's interesting because you can apply that and begin to understand that in so many different ways. It applies on a personal level because of the challenges that we face in life. But it also applies in the big picture. You know, when you look at what God's doing, God can't wait to get beyond today because man's systems have failed. We don't know the answers. We don't know our own way. We need to look to God and God's going to replace man's system. So just beyond today God's going to establish His Kingdom and so Beyond Today as a name also fits that scenario so well.

[Darris McNeely] It also fits the essence of the gospel that Jesus Christ came preaching. In Mark 1:14-15 it says that He came preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God saying repent and believe the gospel. This moment where we come to a realization that decisions we're making, behavior we're engaged in is creating problems is a moment of repentance. And it's a moment when we begin to think about life beyond today in terms of the Bible and the message of the gospel; it gets us into the attitude of repentance and framing a response to Christ's instruction to believe the gospel and begin to live a life that is going to be successful, happy beyond today.

[Steve Myers] So that's a life of encouragement and it's a life of hope as well for what lies beyond today.

[Darris McNeely] And so we encourage you to find that beyond today moment and experience in your life. That's BT Daily. Join us next time.