God Demonstrates His Love

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God Demonstrates His Love

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God Demonstrates His Love

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MP3 Audio (1.23 MB)

How has God displayed His power and love in your life?



[Steve Myers] Has God shown you anything lately? There's an interest passage in Romans 5:8 and the beginning of that particular passage, it starts like this, "God demonstrates His own love for us." I think that's an amazing thought: God demonstrates.

Now, oftentimes if you read that passage you may think, wow, it's got to be something huge that maybe there has to be fireworks or something so obvious. Maybe an unbelievable miracle or maybe some time of sensational circumstance in your life that God demonstrates His power to you personally. Now you may not think of anything quite that sensational or that fantastic, but the rest of that verse points to something that maybe we overlook sometimes.

In Romans 5:8 it says, "God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners Christ died for us." You see, God has made a way for us to be a part of His family. He's made a way to have sin forgiven. God gave us a sacrifice, a sacrifice of His Son. And part of the point of that passage reminds us that we don't deserve that sacrifice that in a way God loved us when we didn't deserve to be loved. What an amazing character trait that God has when it comes to showing us His love, to demonstrating His love, to validating the love that He has for us. So I think we should take a step back in our life and maybe figure out how has God demonstrated His love to me personally. Certainly in forgiveness of sin. Certainly in providing a sacrifice.

But at the same time don't necessarily look for fireworks as some kind of demonstration in your life. Maybe take time, take time today to notice how God has demonstrated His love not only in the sacrifice of Christ, but in other ways. Maybe it's just taking in the beautiful stars at night. You know when was the last time you looked up and noticed the stars? Or just the simple things, the simple blessings of life? God has provided us amazing things, and the most amazing is He gave us His Son. Let's never take that for granted. And let's be sure that we take time to recognize how God has demonstrated His love to each one of us.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.