Preeminence - What Comes First?

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Preeminence - What Comes First?

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Preeminence - What Comes First?

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MP3 Audio (1.12 MB)

Jesus Christ is the head of the church but is He in charge of your life?



[Steve Myers] Preeminence. It's a word that caught my attention when I was reading through the beginning of the book of Colossians. Here the Apostle Paul is talking about Jesus Christ, and in verse 18 of chapter 1 he says this, "He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead that in all things He may have the preeminence" (Colossians 1:18).

As I read through that scripture, I looked it up in several different versions. It was interesting what this word preeminence pointed to. Some of the translations said first, that He takes first place, that He is the leader. He's dominant. He's paramount. He is the ultimate. And oftentimes when we read this section, we associate Jesus Christ and the church and that He should be first in the church. He should be first as far as the head of the church. He should be first, that He was resurrected from the dead being the first to pave the way.

And yet something struck me when I read the New Living translation. And here's what New Living says, "He is the beginning, supreme over all who rise from the dead," and then it says, "So He is first in everything." And it kind of took me by surprise as I read that particular version. In everything. It struck me as meaning, is He first in everything for me personally, in my life?

In every respect in my life personally, do I give Christ the preeminence? Because you see that brings it down to the heart of the matter. In every area, not only in the church, not over creation, but bring it down to me personally.

In my life have I given Christ preeminence over everything, every aspect, every area, every nook and cranny in my life? This scripture is telling me Jesus Christ has to have the preeminence. So I'm making that my goal. And I think that is a goal that we all need to strive to attain, that Jesus Christ be first, be the ultimate, be dominant, be in first place in every aspect of our life. Let's make that our goal.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.