Super Computer or Super Brain?

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Super Computer or Super Brain?

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Super Computer or Super Brain?

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Do you worry that computers will outsmart the human brain and take over the world? Don't. It makes for fun science fiction, but we are a long way from it happening.



[Darris McNeely] Do you worry that super computers will be designed that will actually take over for human life on planet earth? We've all seen movies, read science fiction books to that end. But it makes good science fiction, but I think it's far away from actually becoming a reality.

There was recently a test that was done between German and Japanese companies that had built huge super computers, the largest, fastest computer that apparently has been made. This computer has 1.4 million gigabytes of RAM, and its super-fast. And they fed in a problem to be solved equivalent to that which would be done by a human brain in one second. You know how long it took the computer to do it? 40 minutes. 40 minutes for the computer to do what the human brain could do in one second.

I think we're a long way from a computer to be designed first of all with even the capacity to process information the way that a human mind can do. Secondly we have to consider, think about the whole matter of intellect and reason and especially of will, something that I don't know that can be programmed into a computer. Technology's come a long way, and sometimes I think that I'm only using 1% of my own brain and I can use a little bit of computer help. In fact, I do use a lot of computer help in doing my job as do we all.

But the idea that we're that close to a computer that will actually take over and simulate the complete work of the brain, a long way from that. In Psalm 139:14 the psalmist wrote in regard to human life, the human body, it says of God,"I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works. That my soul knows very well." We are fearfully and wonderfully made. The human brain, I don't believe we've even plumbed the complete depths, power, and capacity of the human brain just on raw processing power.

We're a long way from those science fiction scenarios. I don't think we need to worry about that, but hopefully when we look at what we do have, what we have been given we utilize that to the best of our abilities and recognize our God given capacities.

That's BT Daily. Join us next time.