World News and Trends: Will this world ever see peace?

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Will this world ever see peace?

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The 17th-century philosopher Baruch Spinoza said, "Peace is not an absence of war" (1670). The 20th century certainly proved his point. World War I was termed "the war to end all wars"; at least 10 million were killed with another 20 million wounded. Yet within 20 years, rumblings of a second world war were beginning to shake Europe.

Follow World War II with the Korean War, Vietnam, the first Gulf War, Sept. 11, Afghanistan and Iraq. Now we have North Korea and Iran, one with nuclear weapons and the other eagerly pursing them, to worry about. Meanwhile, terrorist acts continue above the din of nuclear threats.

Jesus Christ said that the end of this age would be marked by "wars and rumors of wars" (Matthew 24:6). In spite of mankind's best efforts, the world remains a very dangerous place. Yet this tired, battered old world will one day see lasting peace (Isaiah 2:4). God promised it; you can count on it.

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