World News and Trends: U.K.-U.S. defense cooperation waning

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U.K.-U.S. defense cooperation waning

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The Sunday Telegraph reported that Britain "seems ready to pull out of the British-US joint strike fighter project and to buy instead French Rafales, which will be used on a third super-carrier to be built for the French navy." Later an official government source stated that no final decision had yet been reached on this matter.

According to commentator Dr. Richard North, there has been a radical shift in British defense policy "whereby the Ministry of Defence is stealthily steering our armed forces away from co-operation with the US and towards full integration with the planned European Rapid Reaction Force" (emphasis added).

The problem revolves around British defense treaties with France and other EU nations in Western Europe. The Sunday Telegraph feature article continued, "The Americans have been increasingly reluctant to pass on technological secrets to Britain knowing that we are now treaty bound to pass them onto France."

Even China is potentially in the loop because of a treaty the European Union signed in Beijing last September. These are the fruits of Britain being caught between conflicting loyalties.

The most disturbing aspect of this whole scenario is that the British government "has been able to drive it forward without ever admitting what it is up to—and with virtually no one noticing."

Britain and America have had strong historic ties of mutual defense cooperation going back more than a century. These two nations successfully fought side by side in two world wars in the first half of the 20th century and are now together again in Iraq . Englishmen founded the United States notwithstanding the fact that their parents and/or grandparents may have been born across the Atlantic in Great Britain .

A major disruption in their cooperative defense efforts would eventually produce dangerous consequences for a world at least partially dependent on Anglo-American solidarity for its overall safety and security. To understand more, request our free booklet The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy. (Sources: The Sunday Telegraph [ London ], EU Referendum Web site.)

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