World News and Trends: The German Reich and the new German Pope

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The German Reich and the new German Pope

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An intriguing report from Germany stated, "The medieval Europe-wide German Reich is a valid model for the union of European countries." In thoughts attributed to Berlin State Minister for Culture Bernd Neumann, "The memory of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation shows 'an inner historical consistency' with the founding and steady expansion of the European Union" (emphasis added throughout).

Both the German pope, Benedict XVI but still known to Germans as Joseph Ratzinger of Bavaria, and the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, will attend Berlin festivities and celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the European Economic Community (now the European Union). According to, "Ratzinger is a committed supporter of the 'imperial ideal' (Reichsidee) and is to speak on the 'spiritual foundations' of Europe in the German capital."

Some observers believe that these plans are all part of an agenda to emphasize and underline German leadership of the European Union. The nation wants to see a revival of the now defunct EU constitution (rejected by referendums in both France and the Netherlands ) and wishes to begin to revitalize it during its six-month presidency of the EU.

Remembering the warfare of the last century, several other European countries still fear the possibility of German hegemony over the continent. The Bible itself warns of a coming European-centered superpower that will do much to usher in a series of prophetic events leading to the second coming of Jesus Christ.

The book of Revelation speaks of a new religious hegemony alongside powerful secular leadership in an end-time union of nations. To understand more, request our free booklet The Book of Revelation Unveiled. (Sources: German- [an English translation],

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