In the News...More Britons Believe in Ghosts Than in God?

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In the News...More Britons Believe in Ghosts Than in God?

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The survey wasn't a true random sample, so the results can't be considered scientifically accurate, but of the 2,012 people who completed a questionnaire for the British home entertainment retailer ChoicesUK, 68 percent said they believed in the existence of ghosts and spirits, while 55 percent said they believed in the existence of a god (source: AP).

Of those who believed in ghosts, 76 percent said that films and TV reality shows about the supernatural helped convince them that ghosts exist. But what does the Bible say? It reveals that there really is an active spirit realm—not of ghosts, supposedly disembodied human beings, but of spirits, fallen angels called demons that seek to influence and deceive people against the truth of God. These may sometimes pose as the ghosts of dead people. The dead, however, are unconscious, awaiting a future resurrection (compare Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10). For this and other reasons, the Bible warns against any involvement with the spirit world apart from contact with the true God.

Our booklet Is There Really A Devil? reveals how this spirit realm is the real source behind so many of the world's problems and explains how God will overthrow this power and establish a kingdom of peace. Jesus Christ overcame Satan (Matthew 4; Luke 4), and through Christ we can too.

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  • Leia

    What about when they are helpful? The books I've read by Doreen Virtue always comfort or help the person. Thanks to all for the replies.

  • KARS

    One other thing I forgot to address Leia, a medium is a fortune teller, a taro card reader,in other worlds those that practise witchcraft and sorcery.
    God our Father does not like this behavior because these people have chosen to follow the Adversary and not God our Father and His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ.
    We are to stir clear of them.
    When you read the Old Testament you will find out that a king of Israel went to one of this mediums to talk to the prophet Samuel. She did her thing and the King made the biggest mistake of his life.
    He should have gone to God not this witch who didn't keep the Commandments of the Living God of Israel.
    Because of this behavior the world is suffering and we that await the second coming of our Lord and Savior pray, "Thy Kingdom Come". One day He will return for God our Father does not lie and He always keeps His promises he has already mentioned in the Holy Bible by His Son, prophets & Apostles.

  • KARS

    Hi Leia,
    The spirit world does exist. It is a world that the human eye cannot see. When we read the Bible from cover to cover we will discover that every since our first two parents Adam and Eve where sent from the Garden of Eden for eatten the forbidden fruit; we have had trouble with Satan (Holy Bible also calls Adversary)and his fallen angels (demons). God our Father will teach you about some of the things that He has created. What happened to one of His most beautiful angels and how he took 1/3rd of the angels with him. They are the so called ghosts; what we people call ghosts because we can't see them. If we are superstitious them they will play tricks on our minds and make things happen. God our Father speaks and teaches us through is word; "the word of God"; the "Holy Bible". When you come in faith, prayer and daily Bible study He will teach you. Ask the UCG staff a question and they can lead you to the right article, booklet, blog, BT Daily video, etc.

  • Ivan Veller

    Hi Leia,

    I would recommend starting with "The Spirit World's Dangerous Dark Side" from the booklet that Mr. Burke recommended.

  • Gary Burke

    Hi Leia,

    I strongly recommend you read the booklet mentioned above, "Is there really a Devil?" I think it may go into some of your concerns. Here is the link,

    Note that the commentary above does mention that the bible talks about an active spirit realm, where fallen angels seek to influence and deceive humanity. Many modern shows these days that tout "scientific" evidence to show the existence of ghosts and mediums just help to further a demonic satanic agenda in my opinion. I am reminded of the scripture in Ephesians 6:12 that states the following;

    Eph 6:12 NKJV - For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual [hosts] of wickedness in the heavenly [places].

    The passage goes on to to show us how we need to constantly have the armor of God around us to stand, defend, and fight this literal spiritual war. This passage to me elaborates the need to stay close to God in prayer, study, and all aspects of our life.

    Finally, I would like to leave you with the scripture of 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV) - For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

    May God be with you in your shakey faith as you contemplate the activity of the spirit realm. Hope this comment response and the link helps you. -Gary

  • Leia

    HELP! Crisis of an already shakey faith.

    I know the Bible says ghost and mediums are not true but how can that be when there are documented scientific episodes that find they do exists?

    What about when they are helpful? The books I've read by Doreen Virtue always comfort or help the person. Thanks to all for the replies.

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