In the News...Evolution Loses Ground; Evolutionists Angry

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In the News...Evolution Loses Ground; Evolutionists Angry

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Evolution Loses Ground; Evolutionists Angry
The Kansas Board of Education recently voted 6-4 to approve new science standards for the state's public schools that leave evolutionary principles in the curriculum but also include new phrasing that encourages students to question evolution's validity.

Rather than admitting the scientific flaws in the theory of evolution and welcoming the opportunity for critical thinking, many evolutionists have responded with anger and arrogance.

A news report at intimates that all scientists are against the decision by the Kansas Board of Education and that people who support the board are just ignorant of science. But a growing number of scientists are now acknowledging that science itself disproves evolution, and an increasing number of people are learning that evolution is not true, factual or scientific. As much as they hate to admit it, evolutionists are starting to find themselves losing on scientific arguments.

Although Kansas has been stealing the headlines in the latest clash between proponents of creationism and intelligent design (ID) and those supporting evolution, other states, including Michigan, Kentucky and Georgia, are also experiencing efforts to challenge the weaknesses of this theory.

"'ID [which teaches that an intelligent higher power created life on earth] is making enormous progress,' said John Calvert, a Kansas City lawyer and ID proponent. 'Is it going to happen overnight? No. Is it going to happen? Yes.'

"Calvert said museum exhibits such as the one in Lawrence [Kansas, which says chimpanzees and humans are 'cousins in life's family tree'] are flawed because they ask visitors to believe humans evolved randomly, with no specific purpose or design by a higher power—a theory polls show a majority of Americans do not believe" ("Kansas Evolution Vote Nears, Scientists Fight Back," Nov. 7, 2005).

Calvert is right. Evolution is doomed. See our free booklet Creation or Evolution: Does It Really Matter What You Believe? for the details.

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