In the News... Royal Palace Found at Ramat Rahel?

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In the News... Royal Palace Found at Ramat Rahel?

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The site is at Kibbutz Ramat Rahel, south of Jerusalem.

The location, with a large palace, served as an administrative center through various historical periods. Evidence of its royal connection is seen in a large collection of seals marked "The King," "Lion" and "Yehud," all names referring to the tribe of Judah and its rulers (Judy Siegel-Itzkovich, "Dig Shows Ramat Rahel Was Royal Judean Site," The Jerusalem Post, Aug. 21, 2006).

Archaeologists, headed by Dr. Oded Lifschits of Tel Aviv University, believe it is one of the finest and most important archaeological sites found in Israel. Archaeology fills in a breadth of details that help to make the histories and characters of the Bible seem more real, even though we are separated by thousands of years of history.

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