In Brief... Catholic Church Ends Salvation Dispute With Lutherans

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In Brief... Catholic Church Ends Salvation Dispute With Lutherans

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NEW YORK: (AP/BN)-The accord represents "a decisive step forward in the process of reconciliation," said Rev. Ismael Noko, general secretary of the Lutheran World Federation.

After 30 years of consultations among theologians, the two sides announced agreement almost a year ago on a Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification, meant to resolve a doctrinal debate at the heart of the 16th century Protestant Reformation that split Western Christianity. But differences remained on the interpretation and wording of the accord, and it took several more months to complete a three-page annex and statement clarifying the churches' position.

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  • marjo2
    As a fellow pilgrim traveler just passing through, this looked like a safe place to rest. Did our fellow Protestant reformers take a wrong turn on the road back there? Why have so many, since Luther, claimed to KNOW the TRUTH, taken it from the same Holy Book, then try to convince me that only they correctly interpret the text? Everybody wants to be the Pope, but nobody wants to be obedient to the authority that Jesus did give us - the pillar and foundation of Truth - the Church not the Bible. For that we are indebted to the Catholic Church just as Luther said in his Commentary on St. John 16. i am tired and weary trying to feed my ego with a diet in denial. Itching ears for dinner - again? i could start "A Church of My Very Own", do things my way and answer to no man, and look pretty smart and important, etc, but i'm tired of playing games. i've had enough! The Roman Catholic-Lutheran Accord is a signal that the Reformation is over or could be soon. And as the hatred of the world closes in on Christians, i'd rather fight the good fight not bickering with brethren. Yes i wanna go Home. i miss our Mom. May our Lord bless you. Now where did Pete put those darn car KEYS?
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