Restoration... Going Safely Into the Unknown

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Restoration... Going Safely Into the Unknown

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The year 2001 is now history and the world anxiously awaits the events of 2002. America's war on terrorism in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks dominated all other events of the past year and will continue to shape events of the coming months. Most experts-and a majority of Americans-fully expect another major terrorist attack on American soil this year. Whatever type of attack comes, whether bio-terror, airplane hijacking or, God forbid, even nuclear, the effect on America is chilling as it waits "for the other shoe to drop."

It is a time of uncertainty. The military action in Afghanistan has gone well for America with only a few casualties and the successful ousting of the Taliban. Where American troops will go next is not widely known. Somalia has been mentioned as well as Iraq and Yemen. Officials caution that the war has only begun and that it will be a long period before its mission is complete. The new year begins with a recession in America, a new currency in Europe and the nations attempting to peer into the future to see exactly what kind of post-Sept. 11 world we really do have. In this issue of World News and Prophecy we bring you several articles to help focus our attention on subjects vital to our understanding of today's world. Melvin Rhodes asks what would happen if America's influence was removed from international relations. Gary Petty examines the roots of the Arab nations. Cecil Maranville probes the powerful influence of religion during modern times.

This generation is facing a time of testing unlike any it has seen. Already many from all walks of life have stepped forward to provide a stabilizing influence. The days ahead will require further resolve and heroic actions. It is a time to go to the one source of help which will prove a deep well of true spiritual help. Psalm 91 shows that he who sets his eyes and affection upon God can expect help in time of crisis. "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, 'He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust'" (Psalm 91:1-2). Read this entire psalm to glimpse God's promise to those who turn to Him. In this time of national self-examination we need to return to biblical passages such as these to guide our path to the future.

It was four months into the Second World War, in December 1939, when King George VI of Great Britain broadcast a message of courage to his beleaguered subjects throughout the British Empire. His words are important for us to hear again today. "A new year is at hand," he said. "We cannot tell what it will bring. I said to the man who stood at the Gate of the Year, 'Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.' And he replied, 'Go out into the darkness, and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way.'"

Until the day when God restores His eternal kingdom to this earth, may His hand guide our steps through the darkness of this time. WNP

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