World News and Trends: Are terrorists fulfilling prophecy?

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Are terrorists fulfilling prophecy?

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The March 11 Madrid train bombings showed that such threats can have an impact. The murder of almost 200 passengers precipitated the election of new leadership in Spain. Yet the terrorists may be playing with fire—literally and figuratively. The European continent is poised to become another superpower, a United States of Europe.

The Bible shows that at the time of the end a "king of the South" (from the Muslim/Arab world) will attack the "king of the North" (leader of a European-centered power), instigating a massive invasion of the Middle East (see Daniel 11:40-45). Muslim terrorists threatening Europe may well be playing into the stepwise progression of God's divine prophecies of the end time. To learn more, request or download our free booklet The Middle East in Bible Prophecy.

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