Restoration: The Coming New Religion

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The Coming New Religion

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This year I heard CBS newsman Andy Rooney's talk about the occasion on his popular commentary on 60 Minutes. He was remembering his friends who died in their youth during World War II. His conclusion was powerful. We observe Memorial Day not for the dead, for they know nothing, but for ourselves—that we might learn. What we need to learn is the way to peace instead of war.

What is needed, he concluded, is a "new religion," Rooney's term for a new way of thinking. He is right. It will take a new religion, one not fully understood in today's world. It will take a new religion to learn the way to peace rather than war.

The prophet Isaiah talks of the day when rods will be beaten into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks. Nations will no longer go to war neither will the art of war be taught and studied in the war colleges. A new religion will be taught from Jerusalem. It will be based on the righteous teachings of the God of Jacob (Isaiah 2:2-4).

Go to Jerusalem today and it will be difficult to find any trace of this future religion. Jerusalem today is a city of many faiths, creeds and churches. All are dreams based on centuries of human tradition whose legacy is conflict more than peace. Even today walls surround Jerusalem to keep the peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

Ironically, the coming of this "new religion" will involve the very element honored on Memorial Day—sacrifice. Through the ages men and women have given the ultimate sacrifice for their country, yet there remains no lasting peace. The Bible shows us true peace between people and nations is the result of a sacrifice of our will to the will of God. It comes as a result of deep, heartfelt repentance and acknowledgement of God. Nothing short of this will put us on the path to peace. This is the ultimate sacrifice that leads to the end of war.

This "new religion" will be different from the world religions of today. The kingdoms of this world will not bring this time to pass. Only the coming of the Kingdom of God will make it possible. It is time for us to start learning the ways of this Kingdom that will restore the pathway to peace.

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