In Brief... World News Review Brussels' Plans for Britain

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In Brief... World News Review Brussels' Plans for Britain

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"Great Britain off the Map of Europe?" has reemerged in the news. This is the title of a previous article published in the November 2006 issue of World News and Prophec.

Michael Lea, political correspondent of the Daily Mail (April 23, 2008), wrote: "The Tories [British Conservative Party] have issued a St. George's Day rallying cry against plans by Brussels to 'wipe England off the map' and create a United Europe...

•"Under the programme, known as INTER-REG, counties along England's south coast form the 'Manche Region' along with Northern France.

•"The 'Atlantic Region' takes in western England, along with Ireland, Wales and parts of Portugal, Spain, France and Scotland.

•"And eastern England is part of the 'North State Region', which covers areas of Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Norway and the Netherlands."

According to Mr. Lea, "The UK government is fully behind the project," slated to be funded with many millions of euros.

We quote from the concluding paragraphs of our article published in November 2006. "The prophetic implications of what is being planned in Europe and Britain are truly frightening. Bureaucrats in Brussels don't always realize the potential repercussions of their plans and edicts. They can have dire consequences in the future, especially under a more autocratic, federal EU."

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