The Literary Influence of the King James Version

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The Literary Influence of the King James Version

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"The King James Bible—either directly, from its own translators, or indirectly, as a glass through which we can see its predecessors—has contributed far more to English in the way of idiomatic or quasi-proverbial expressions than any other literary source" (David Crystal, Begat: The King James Bible and the English Language, 2010, p. 2).

Following are some common English-language expressions that find their origins in the King James Version of the Bible or its predecessors:

Salt of the earth.
Two-edged sword.
Fly in the ointment.
My brother's keeper.
How are the mighty fallen.
Eye for an eye.
Pour out one's heart.
The land of the living.
By the skin of one's teeth.
Apple of one's eye.
Sour grapes.
Break bread.
Turn the other cheek.
To wash one's hands of something.
Signs of the times.
Out of the mouth of babes.
Pride goes before a fall.
Nothing new under the sun.
No peace for the wicked.

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