Letters From Our Readers - July/August 2012

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Letters From Our Readers - July/August 2012

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"The Middle East: Focus of End-Time Prophecy"

I just read your article in the May-June issue on the Middle East. It was wonderful. I imagined a Good News subscriber reading that for the first time and having all those biblical prophecies explained. It is really convicting and I just wanted to say, "Great job."

Reader from Queensland, Australia

"Ahmadinejad's Apocalypse"

The article on page 2 of the May-June Good News, "Ahmadinejad's Apocalypse," was interesting and informative, which gets to the heart of what Iran is intending to do.

R.C., Portsmouth, England

For further insights, be sure to read "Ahmadinejad's Aims for Iran," in this issue.

"Remembering the Titanic: Lessons for Our Day"

I'm still reading the March-April Good News, and today I read the article on the Titanic, making the parallel with what's coming. I was blown away. It's hard for me to picture—to get it into my head, the disaster that's ahead—and not that far ahead. I'm a senior citizen, born at the beginning of World War II. I was not in the military and never experienced combat. I've never gone hungry or been in a serious natural disaster. I've lived my whole life in the United States and always had all of life's necessities. But I have seen the movie Titanic. Between that and your article, I now have a much better picture of what can change and happen in a heartbeat. Thank you so much for the wakeup call.

S.H., Prescott, Arizona

"Assistance Programs: Offering a Hand Up, Not Just a Handout"

I received your 100th issue of The Good News. I was very much blessed when I went through its pages. "Offering a Hand Up, Not Just a Handout" attracted me more than any other article. I am an Ethiopian by birth, who fled my country in 1999 because of political unrest and lived in Nairobi, Kenya for five years. Now I am residing in Portland, Oregon, as I settled in the United States as a refugee. I find that churches are helping disadvantaged ones in the form of handouts. I am always against this temporary assistance. Although it is helpful in a time of emergency, it doesn't give a lasting solution. Rather it encourages the beneficiaries to be dependent.

S.G.A., Portland, Oregon

The Good News

Please renew my free subscription to The Good News. I think this publication is very informative, especially concerning news from the Middle East and other locations. While most news sources are covering and promoting the garbage that is destroying morals and intelligence in our society, The Good News keeps us thinking.

K.R., Lisbon, Ohio

I received your January-February Good News on May 19. During these few days I have read the entire magazine word for word. I must compliment your editorial staff for such lucid, precise, historically factual and well-researched articles. I feel that this issue and others should be read by all heads of state and their advisers in the entire world. Humanity very often forgets the lessons of history. This results in catastrophic events and enormous tragedies along with obliteration of cherished human values and the destruction of nature's resources.

D.C.J., India

A friend gave me a copy of your Good News magazine that someone had left in a restaurant. You really do your homework. I would like to sign up for a regular delivery in my home. Your website is good too, but the magazine works better for me.

J.E., Dexter, Oregon

My son would give me his copy of The Good News and I would read the magazine from cover to cover. Lately he has been passing his copy to friends. It is time for me to get my own subscription, so when I am through reading all of it, I have a copy to pass on to friends. A donation is enclosed to help your endeavors.

J.R.E., Elm Springs, Arkansas

I want to thank you for The Good News, which I have received for the past several years. I am sending you a donation to help pay for some of your expenses. You are doing a great work.

Reader from Alberta, Canada

We want to thank all our coworkers, donors and readers for their kind support. Readers should feel free to ask for their own subscription to The Good News.

Beyond Today

Thank you for the subscription to The Good News magazine and the booklet Holidays or Holy Days: Which Days Should We Observe? I am a regular viewer of your Beyond Today television program. May God continue to bless you that the good work may continue, both by magazines and the television programs. 

Reader from Quebec, Canada

Bible Study Course

Thanks for your free Bible course lessons and your immeasurable help to readers to build a relationship with the Almighty God. I must let you know that your booklets and magazines have also really helped me to get a lot closer to God. I do appreciate the lengths you go to enable people to receive the good news of the Kingdom of God. The Bible indicates that givers never lack.

J.A.C., Valencia, Spain

I am enjoying the Bible Study Course although it takes me a while to get through the lessons. I would really like to keep receiving the lessons after lesson 4. I would also like to express my thanks and my commendation for this course. As a new starter to true Bible study, it's great to have this structured approach to reading the Bible.

S.A., Isle of Man

Marriage and Family: The Missing Dimension

I just wanted you to know that the booklet Marriage and Family: The Missing Dimension had great information and that I enjoyed reading it. It was when I gave it to my daughter (and she read it) that I saw a complete change in her and how she deals with family trials.

I'm still amazed! I haven't seen her so happy in her marriage of 15 years and how she responds to problems now is so encouraging. She is fairly new to see the excitement of learning God's way and how the Word really works for a joyful life. Thank you for the literature you offer. It truly changes lives.

S.I., N. Babylon, New York

Booklets help readers

I would like to thank you for the free booklets. I once was a person who was afraid to pick up the Bible for fear of not understanding it. I had been feeling like God was knocking at the door of my heart, but thanks to your help with the booklets, I have opened that door. I now have no fear and read the Bible with understanding. I have passed along your reading material to friends and neighbors.

M.H., Fouke, Arizona

I love all your booklets. I have learned so much and have been given so much understanding and knowledge. All have helped with my walk with Jesus and God. Every booklet has such powerful meaning, which always makes me want more as I walk on my journey to heaven one day.

Reader from Ontario, Canada

You may want to download or request our free booklet titled Heaven and Hell: What Does the Bible Really Teach? and the companion booklet What Is Your Destiny?

Observing God's festivals and Holy Days

We are new to celebrating God's Holy Days. We are just learning and need some information. We need to know which days are Sabbath days during the festivals, so my husband can request time off work. If you can help me with this, it would be greatly appreciated.

M.M., Internet

Our free booklet God's Holy Day Plan: The Promise of Hope for All Mankind will explain this fully. In brief, the first and seventh days of the seven-day Feast of Unleavened Bread are annual Sabbaths or Holy Days, on which no occupational work may be done. Likewise, the first day of the seven-day Feast of Tabernacles is an annual Sabbath—as is the Eighth Day immediately following. Other single-day festivals except for Passover are annual Holy Days as well—including Pentecost, the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement. You'll find dates for all of these Holy Days on this online calendar.

Moved to practice tithing

This letter is due to a lump sum of money I recently received. During my prayer and fasting on how to handle this award money granted to me, God informed me as to where I should send my tithe.

In January of 2011 I underwent surgery, leaving me quite immobile for many months. Since I could not do much during that period, I dedicated my time to my greatest entertainment, reading the Word of God. While reading, your free booklets took up most of my time. In every booklet I took notes and directed myself to the Bible. 

The Bible tells us to "Prove all things," so I did. In every opinion your booklet writers backed it up with scriptures that proved to be true. Thank you so much for all the free material. Previously, being without work and in the condition that I was in, I would not have been able to purchase even one of your booklets. Your work is truly faithful and obedient to God and I consider your church a blessing in my life. So I too would like to be a blessing to others, but most of all obedient to God and His Word in Malachi 3:10.

M.R., Florida

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