Vertical News: Violent Video Games Influence Violent Reactions

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Violent Video Games Influence Violent Reactions

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They also claim that feeding on violent images in movies or video games can increase the risk of aggression in the form of intentional verbal or physical harm to another person.

Repeated use of violent media pushes violent feelings to the surface more easily, which can lead to aggression in real-world situations with other people. The experts recommend that parents carefully monitor if and how their children use such media (Eddie Wrenn, "Violent Images in Movies, TV or Computer Games CAN Act as Triggers for Aggression, Says New Report,", Aug. 29, 2012).

Though the effects of violent images in media has long been debated, those who know the Word of God can easily see that constantly feeding our minds with this kind of entertainment will lead from thought to word to behavior (see Matthew 15:18-19; Luke 6:45). God tells us to instead fill our minds with positive things (Philippians 4:8).

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  • Diane Stewart
    Amanda, thanks for reminding us of this important fact. There is so much debate on this issue. We have been brought up with violent movies, video games, even cartoons....and it's getting more and more violent every year. In Noah's day, the flood was pronounced on a world that was full of violence. Genesis 6:11 (RSV) "Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight, and the earth was filled with violence. Do we want to fill our minds with "violence?" Just because we call ourselves Christians, we feel somehow we won't be affected. We think we can leave it at the box office. Therefore that gives us the right to fill our minds with it via entertainment. If indeed we are being influenced by it as a society, why would we support this type of entertainment by purchasing it if we care about others, especially the state of our world today? We say we want to help bring peace to the world. We can do this by coming out of it, the world's violent mindset via entertainment. We can be part of the solution. (Rev 18:4) Again, thanks Amanda.
  • Rotiwa
    this is seriously true i am talking from experience
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