Letters from Our Readers - March/April 2013

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Letters from Our Readers - March/April 2013

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"Where Does America Go From Here?"

Thank you for the article "Where Does America Go From Here?" As a nation we shrink from facing the symptoms of our national decline and instead trust in secular pragmatism, rather than turning to God.

We exalt immoral behavior, failing to see the inevitable consequences of breaking laws and traditions that our pioneering forebears once honored. Today our country doesn't even adhere to the basic principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, much less the Bible. As a true patriot and a former student of a state university, I deplore what's happening to America.

S.J., Austin, Texas

"What's Behind the Gay Agenda?"

I don't claim to fully understand the "gay agenda," but there certainly does seem to be an agenda to debase the value of the family. Not only is the divine institution of marriage as defined in Genesis 2:23-24 being increasingly attacked and undermined, but so too is the very concept of family.

Family is what God is all about, and to dig away at this most basic building block of society is camouflaging the true gospel, hiding the true destiny of mankind [to be part of the family of God] from our eyes. Surely the one most delighted with recent attempts to redefine marriage, especially in Britain and America, is Satan the devil.

B.F., Cheshire, England

I feel deep anguish whenever I reflect on the attack on marriage, the first institution God Himself established. Your magazine is a big consolation. Unfortunately this trend cannot be reversed until Christ's return. And many will have suffered irreparably. How I wish Christians would pray for the rescue of some, so that they would change from the aberrant path they're treading. God bless you all at The Good News magazine.

I.B.O., Nigeria

"The Human Side of Homosexuality" and "No Room in the Inn"

I just finished the November-December issue of The Good News, with its terrific and enlightening articles. It's really easy to judge the gay population adversely. Thanks for "The Human Side of Homosexuality: From One Who Has Struggled" for those folks who really care about God and want to please Him. The article "Was There Really ‘No Room in the Inn'?" was really interesting and brand-new information to me. For future reference, I did a lot of underlining on that one. Please accept the enclosed donation.

S.H., Prescott, Arizona

Beyond Today TV program

Thank you so much for your TV program Beyond Today. I have been watching it for only a short while, but I got quite a shock when I heard you were talking about the seventh-day Sabbath. I did not know of any church that kept it. You see, I have been a Sabbath-keeper for a long time and most churches worship on Sunday. My friends and I have been studying with another group and do not feel they are teaching the whole truth. You can understand why I was so happy to hear you teaching about the Sabbath and the commandments.

Reader from Queensland, Australia

Our readers may wish to request the free booklets Sunset to Sunset: God's Sabbath Rest and The Church Jesus Built.

The Good News magazine

Thank you for the interest that your Church has shown by reminding me not once but twice to renew my subscription to The Good News magazine. I want to say thank you and may God continue to bless your organization, Church and staff for making this magazine available, especially for me without any charge. Your teachings have given me so much knowledge about Christian living, particularly when compared to what we hear from other organizations. I would like to receive your 12-lesson Bible Study Course.

B.R., Trinidad & Tobago

The free Bible Study Course and all of our other publications are generously underwritten by the members of the United Church of God and our coworkers and donors. We are very grateful for their tithes and voluntary offerings. We have enrolled you in the Bible course.

I have no idea who submitted my name for a subscription to your Good News magazine, but they have indeed done me one of the largest favors of my life. Your magazine has been a wonderful influence and has taught me so many wonders about biblical prophecies that I did not know. I was brought up in a Christian family, but never studied the Bible as it should be studied. Your magazine is indeed a God-given gift to the whole world.

D.R., San Antonio, Texas

I am 48 years of age and had no religion and no denomination. I do not know how I started receiving your Good News magazine, but it has been the best thing that has come into my life. In 1999 divorce ended my 16-year marriage. I am still single, but since receiving your magazine I am no longer alone. I have placed God my Creator more into my life. It takes me an entire month to read through your magazine, front to back. But a new one does arrive. God has become much more real.

T.D.C., Hardin, Illinois

I am writing to convey my heartfelt gratefulness for reading the current happenings that are shaping our world in this end time. Many thanks to The Good News magazine writers and editors for a wonderful job in reporting and enlightening us about the events that are happening and unfolding that fulfill Bible prophecy.

A.K., Papua, New Guinea

I am at this moment an inmate of Her Majesty's prison. The purpose of my letter is that I would very much like to receive a subscription to The Good News. I have been reading it every time I can borrow one from another inmate and have found the topics very interesting, especially the prophetic areas. I am beginning to realize how serious the times we are living in are becoming.

A.H., Barbados, West Indies

I am writing to tell you how much I appreciate The Good News that you send to me. I treasure it so much that I go back to old editions and read them all over again. They all bring me understanding and happiness. God bless your organization.

Reader from New South Wales, Australia

Thank you for sending me the booklet Heaven and Hell: What Does the Bible Really Teach? Thank you also for including The Good News magazine, which may help me find answers to my questions about the Holy Bible and the real meaning of the Scriptures. I have started to read it, and as I go along, I find it more interesting and educational. If it is not too much to ask, please send me a free copy of What Happens After Death? and The Gospel of the Kingdom.

F.M., Ontario, Canada

It's not too much to ask. Our office in Toronto was very happy to mail these two and other free booklets to you.

We realize that payment is unnecessary for receipt of your magazine. Nevertheless, we feel that it wouldn't hurt to contribute something for the cost of postage. We have enclosed our check in gratitude.

R.B., Camas, Washington

Discarding pagan holidays and embracing God's Holy Days

After studying and praying about Christmas and Easter for the past two years, I have come to the conclusion that I have been participating in a non-biblical tradition. I no longer will participate, and I mailed a letter to each of my family members, including a copy of the article at www.ucg.org "The Top 10 Reasons Why I Don't Celebrate Christmas." I feel this article explains my decision perfectly. As expected, most of them don't agree with me, but they will honor my beliefs.                                                           

T.D., Cincinnati, Ohio

I am trying to honor the Bible's seven annual festivals, but I have met with resistance. There are no gatherings here to honor these days, and when I try to explain about Christmas and the other so-called holidays, people shy away from me. I really feel like a pilgrim and a stranger. What can I do and where can I go? I'm not discouraged because I know what I am doing is right.

R.L., Internet

It's not surprising that others resist your efforts to honor the seven annual festivals of God. The apostle Peter wrote about the sufferings of Christ and the fact that Christians share in His sufferings by enduring persecutions (1 Peter 4:4). He went on to reassure Christians that things will work out for our good as God's Holy Spirit leads in our lives (verses 12-14; compare Romans 8:28).

Thankfully, there are gatherings of Christians who do observe God's annual Holy Days and festivals in many locations around the world. Through the United Church of God website www.ucg.org/churches, you can find the contact information for the congregation nearest you.

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