Current Events & Trends: Jihadist rhetoric and reality

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Jihadist rhetoric and reality

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The Associated Press recently reported: "Intelligence agencies that have succeeded in thwarting many of al-Qaida's plans for spectacular attacks are struggling to combat the terror network's strategy of encouraging followers to keep to themselves, use off-the-shelf weapons and strike when they see an opportunity.

"In recent weeks—at the Boston Marathon, in the streets of London and in the shadow of one of Paris' most recognizable monuments—young men allegedly carried out attacks with little help, using inexpensive, widely available knives and explosives from everyday ingredients. In each of the attacks, suspects had previously been flagged to law enforcement and deemed not to be a priority . . .

"Confronting an overwhelming sea of mostly harmless individuals who act suspiciously, authorities are still struggling with questions about how and how much to keep tabs on people who spout jihadist rhetoric online or buy material that could be used to make explosives—or something innocuous ("Intel Dilemma in Boston, London, Paris Attacks," May 31, 2013).

As this report indicates, Western nations accept immigrants who can turn against them. Europe, particularly Germany and France and even Britain, is now beginning to see a backlash of Islamic extremists who exercise the rights of citizenship. This makes it very difficult for these governments to control jihadists who threaten their way of life. (Source: Associated Press.)

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