I have a friend who likes this boy. They are both friends, but she would like to go out with him. She's afraid that he will dislike her if she asks him out or makes a fool of herself. What should she do?

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I have a friend who likes this boy. They are both friends, but she would like to go out with him. She's afraid that he will dislike her if she asks him out or makes a fool of herself. What should she do?

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Generally, we recommend that young people who want to get to know each other better and spend time together socially do so in groups. If your friend and others (such as yourself) plan an activity (going to a movie, museum, etc.), why not invite this young man as a part of the group? In doing things as a group, there is less pressure on individuals. The October-December 2001 edition of Youth United has some excellent articles on dating and related subjects. We recommend those as well as the articles on dating in this issue.

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