How do you live with older siblings who do not attend church?

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How do you live with older siblings who do not attend church?

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Families that attend church together enjoy a great blessing, provided they all attend for the right reasons. It is the parents' responsibility to teach their children about God and provide them with a spiritual diet that includes reading the Bible and discussing important life lessons. Worshipping God as a family is God's desire for all. However, God allows people to rebel and reject Him. Satan the devil, the god of this world (Revelation 12:9; 2 Corinthians 4:4), our human nature and the pulls of flesh, all work against the truth of God.

Sometimes when a person is uninterested, distracted or even rebellious, attending church will not be very helpful. A person with a bad attitude might make it difficult for others who want to learn and grow. While it is a difficult and often very emotional situation, parents may need to allow older children to choose to reject attending church. To have harmony in the family, however, certain rules must be obeyed and parents are given the authority to enforce those rules in a household. These decisions need wisdom, and counsel is recommended.

If you have an older sibling who doesn't attend church and chooses a lifestyle that you are uncomfortable with, remember that you might be able, without a word, to win him or her over. Paul gave similar advice to wives whose husbands did not obey God's Word (1 Peter 3:1). Always treat others with respect and remember to love the sinner but hate the sin. (This is not to imply that sin is always involved.)

Because every individual must work out his or her own salvation, you will have to decide whether to accept or reject the teachings of the Bible, your parents and the church you attend. There are serious consequences to the decisions that you make in life. Please choose wisely.

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