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I no longer wish to receive your magazine. I thought it would be filled with motivational and touching stories, but instead most of the articles are disturbing, depressing or political.

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Perhaps some readers may find the title The Good News somewhat misleading in this sense. Our magazine is not designed to cover the good news of today's world.

An important part of the magazine's mission is to alert our readers to the many disturbing trends plaguing our modern age and to challenge established misconceptions, including many of the unbiblical teachings of mainstream Christianity. God tells us to "cry aloud, spare not; lift up your voice like a trumpet; tell My people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins" (Isaiah 58:1).

But we do point our readership toward the good news of the world tomorrow—explaining the plan of God for humanity from the creation of Adam and Eve through to Christ's death, His subsequent resurrection and the establishment of His Church.

This whole plan also includes the coming millennial reign of Jesus Christ on earth that will at last bring world peace and the majestic events beyond described in Revelation 21 and 22. God the Father will come to live with glorified humanity on a new earth. That truly is good news!

For those who want to become more Christlike, the United Church of God, publisher of The Good News, offers a range of booklets, brochures and Bible study tools as well as a spiritual infrastructure of pastoral care and church congregations where God makes spiritual growth possible.

To understand more about the nature of the Church's mission to humanity, interested readers may request our free booklet This Is the United Church of God.

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  • Rickt65

    The Bible and Beyond Today's magazine are not meant to be motivational there are meant to give you the facts about God and Jesus Christ and give you the information to prepare you for what is to come. Yes some of it can be scary, depressing and just right unbelievable. But that is the whole point. This world right now belongs to Satan and there is nobody more scarier and evil then him. So to be able to stay strong for God you need to know all the facts.
    Satan's goal is to take as many as God's children to hell as he can, he knows he cannot beat God. Even though Satan is the most powerful creature God every created remember God created Him and he realizes that he can never defeat God he can defeat a lot of God's children which by the way is us, so He can inflict as much pain as he can to God. Because God loves all His children so if Beyond Today does not give us all the information we need to defeat Satan they would not be doing there job as God's servant on this Earth. Plus remember everything they talk about comes straight from the Bible. The Bible is very hard to interpret so without people like them we would miss a lot of what the Bible or more importantly what God is saying

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