The Man Who Would Be Pope

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The Man Who Would Be Pope

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Pope John Paul II left this hospital yesterday after spending more than a week for a respiratory problem that nearly took his life. One doctor said the Pontiff was within minutes of dying had he not been rushed to the hospital. Doctors have performed a "miracle" and lengthened his life for a few weeks or a few months, no one can tell. This pope has survived a lot, including an attempt on his life by an assassin.

Divergent views on his effectiveness have been offered by two conservative writers this week. Peggy Noonan wrote rapturously about the example John Paul sets for believers in his suffering. She feels we are watching a "saint at sunset".

William F. Buckley
bluntly says the pope should die in peace and that he will not pray for longevity. One sees a New England practicality in his logic.

It would seem we are near another conclave of cardinals in the Sistine Chapel. Who will be the next pope has inspired numerous articles of speculation. Some feel the church is ready for its first black pope from Africa since the third world is the area of prime growth. The age of a potential pontiff could also be a factor since there is thought the cardinals do not want another long lived pope at this time John Paul II has been pope since 1978. So an older man cold be selected.

It all makes for interesting speculation but no one seems to really know till the white smoke aries from the chimney above the palace and the new pope appears on the balcony overlooking St Peter's square.

Cecil Maranville wrote an article, "The Man Who Would Be Pope" , in the November 2004 issue of WNP.

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