A Stricken City

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A Stricken City

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I have just watched Fox News' live coverage of events in downtown New Orleans next to the Superdome. Thousands of people are walking up out of the waters onto interstate overpasses and asking, "where do we go?" These are the poor of the city who have been trapped for days in the projects and lower income areas, which are always hardest hit in such a disaster. No one is there directing the scene other than reporters.

What really grabbed me was the reporter, Shepherd Smith, had a young mother sitting in a one of those ubiquitous fold up canvas chairs holding her fevered five-day-old baby. She "thought" the child was alive. You could see the baby's arms moving, so she was. The dehydrated child needed immediate medical attention. As the camera rolled a police office drove up and took the mother and child away to a hospital. It was a dramatic scene.

Please join me in praying the child lives to hear her mother tell the story of the day they walked though the waters of the city seeking refuge.

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