Pope to Abolish "limbus infantium"

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Pope to Abolish "limbus infantium"

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What happens to babies who die before baptism, according to Catholic teaching?  For years "limbus infantium", a half-way holding spot for such infants has been the accepted theory of the Roman Catholic church. Later this week Pope Benedict is expected to remove this teaching from the Catholic cateshism.

The London Times is reporting this in tomorrow's newspaper. Here are a couple of quotes from the article:

...its lack of doctrinal authority has long failed to impress the Pope. who was recorded as saying before his election: "Personally, I would let it drop, since it has always been only a theological hypothesis."

Read the whole article as it gives a concise overview of the history of the teaching. Particularly interesting is the quote from the church father Augustine of Hippo.

Since the core of this erroneous teaching centers of the question of the fate of those who die without accepting Christ as personal savior you should also read this chapter from our booklet, "What Happens At Death".

Rest assured  God's merciful plan includes all who have lived and died without coming to understand His plan for their life.

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