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And Why Are We Giving Them Millions of Dollars?

Last month a top Hamas official gave a sermon in a Sudanese mosque telling his audience to kill "all Americans and Jews".

Reading the sermon as Memri reports it you have to marvel at the logic. How do you reason and talk with such a mindset? You can't. That is why there has been no solution and why there won't be one until there is a change in the heart and spirit.

Is Global Warming a Sin?

Al Gore won't like this article about global warming. But I think it
speaks the truth. Be sure to check out our lead article in the May WNP on the drought in Australia.

Stratfor:  Israel

In the wake of the Winograd report on last year's war Israeli Defense
Minister Amir Peretz could step down from his position as early as May 2,
Israeli Radio and Army Radio reported, citing aides close to Peretz. The
aides said Peretz could resign "within hours."

Does The Middle East Matter?

A cover article from Prospect magazine asks an interesting question. Edward Luttwak offers a compelling analysis of the weakness of Middle East regimes. Yet he misses the dimension that makes all the difference-the spiritual. The Bible says the Middle East will play a key role in future, and that makes all the difference. A good read.

A Rising Tide of Fury

I always like to read Tony Blankley. His column today follows on from the article above. He cites a recent study of attitudes among Muslim countries. Guess what, they don't like America and are highly suspicious of our motives. That is a recipe for continuing strife.

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