Gates on A Middle East War

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Gates on A Middle East War

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“Another war in the Middle East is the last thing we need and, in fact, I believe it would be disastrous on a number of levels”. Speaking at the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, Defense Secretary Robert Gates gave a sobering assessment of the threat from militant jihadists groups for years to come. He gave the speech on Monday night.

His assessment of the war in Iraq is that it must be fought now or it will be fought later on different ground. “It is a hard sell to say we must sustain the fight in Iraq right now, and continue to absorb the high financial and human costs of this struggle, in order to avoid an even uglier fight or even greater danger to our country in the future,” he said.

Gates believes success is possible but it will take a long time and will come through a sustained commitment to a different kind of war than either the military or the American people have been preapred to fight. “The current campaign has gone on longer, and has been more difficult, than anyone expected or prepared for at the start,” he said. “And so we’ve had to scramble to position ourselves for success over the long haul, which I believe we are doing.”

The fight against those who wish to destroy the way of life we have known will continue for many years. There is no easy exit or “drawdown” from this battle. “But the kind of enemy we face today _ violent jihadist networks _ will not allow us to remain at peace,” he said. “What has been called the `long war’ is likely to be many years of persistent, engaged combat all around the world in differing degrees of size and intensity. This generational challenge cannot be wished away or put on a timetable. There are no exit strategies.”

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