Noonan Agrees with Rove

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Noonan Agrees with Rove

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Peggy Noonan wrote in Saturday’s WSJ about “A Year for the Books”. In this case she is looking forward not backwards. It is another tribute to books. She gives a piece of advice passed to her many years ago. “Never feel guilty about reading, it’s what you do to do your job.” Noonan feels reading is about to make a comeback in America as we enter what she calls an “age of greater quiet.” With cutbacks, layoffs and less she feels many will turn to quieter, less expensive habits–like reading. We’ll see. Her article is a compiment to the one I referenced from Karl Rove about his reading competition with President Bush. Once again, It is a prod to me to get back into reading and sharing what I find with you. Let me know what’s on your reading list.

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