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Each week I run through a lot of Web content searching or material and ideas for Beyond Today, The Good News and other media. Some of it might be useful to you in your understanding of today's world. I will pass on the links that might be helpful for you in your journey.

Are We Watching the Rise of a Fifth Reich?

This thoughtfully piercing article by Tony Corn a former teacher of European studies at the U.S. Foreign Service Institute in Washington, DC. represents some "out of the box" thinking about the Europe and the ongoing monetary crisis. He writes, "Germany is again at war with Europe, at least in the sense that German policy is trying to achieve in Europe the characteristic objectives of war: the redrawing of international boundaries and the subjugation of foreign peoples…." This is a must read piece  for anyone wanting a different perspective on Germany and its future. Interesting

Britain's Growing Isolation

The EU is going to redraw its treaty and Britain says it will not go along. This does not bode well for our cousins and their relationship with the Continent.

Jerusalem -The Biography

I have been reading Simon Montefiore's bio of the world's most interesting city. Jerusalem, he says, is the only city that "exists both on earth and in heaven". The many stories, both beautiful and tragic, coming out of this most unusal of towns cover just about every aspect of humanities long search for meaning. When finished I'll give a large review of the book. Highly recommended.

Inside Job (Film)

Beyond Today viewer recommended I watch this documentary for a better understanding of what caused the 2008 Wall Street financial collapse. While I am not endorsing the political persuasion of the film's director I did find this to be not only a good review of the facts of this crisis three years ago but a case study in the greed and calloused approach to money and finance exhibited by leaders in government and the financial industry. It is a long film. It should be watched realizing it gives only a partial view of a very complex story. But I found it sobering.

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