Weekly Links of Interest: Books, Iran, Saving Money and When a Kiss is More Than a Kiss

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Weekly Links of Interest

Books, Iran, Saving Money and When a Kiss is More Than a Kiss

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Each week I run through a lot of Web content searching for material and ideas for Beyond Today, The Good News and other media. Some of it might be useful to you in your understanding of today's world. Here are few links to articles to close out December. Enjoy.

Are You Saving Enough for Retirement?

Megan McArdle gives a bit of a scold in this WSJ piece. Good sound advice here. Pare your life down to essentials and put away some money for the future. It's the only way to go.

Iranian Threats to Block Hormuz

Iran racheted up its threat to bockade the vital Straits of Hormuz, the narrow pass from the Persian Gulf into the Indian Ocean. 25% of the world's oil comes through here each day. To choke it off would be catastrophic for western nations. The U.S. Fifth Fleet is stationed in Bahrain, a short "missle's throw" from the straits. Any Iranian action like this would set off a major conflict. 

No Nukes for Iran!

Meanwhile, Iran continues to push toward a a deliverable nuclear capability. U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta says this is unacceptable and "all options are on the table".

12 Month Reading Plan

The Wall Street Journal published a helpful article full of many excellent books to read. Authors, politicians and other public figures tell what they read in the past year. You will find several good reads from this list. 

Best TV Moment of 2011

Finally, a peek at what Britains voted the best television moment of 2011. It's worth a look.

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