Timothy's Grandma

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Timothy's Grandma

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I just started listening to the recordings of the home office's bi-weekly Bible study on the Pastoral Epistles. In the introduction to 1 Timothy, the pastor, Steve Myers, pointed out the influence that Timothy's grandmother and mother had on him.

In Acts 16:1, we are told that Timothy's mom was "a certain Jewish woman who believed," and that "his father was Greek." In 2 Timothy 1:5, Paul mentions Timothy's "genuine faith" and said it first dwelt in his grandmother Lois and then his mother Eunice.

I know I'm not the only woman that struggles with wondering "what's my role in the church?" And I'm not even always talking about the "big picture" of the Church, but the "little picture"—my local congregation and simply in my family. My husband leads songs and speaks at church services, but I often forget how very important and influential my role as a mother and wife can be. Women can do so much "behind the scenes."

The Proverbs 31 woman is often the woman we all seek to be. And it is indeed the ideal I strive for, but you know, she really intimidates and overwhelms me. I try to provide the best food for my family and keep my house clean. But I have to admit I don't rise "while it is yet night" to get food on the table (Proverbs 31:15). I don't have my own side business. I don't make tapestries (Proverbs 31:22), though I do crochet!

Yes, I work and hope to someday be just like the Proverbs 31 woman, but for now, I'm going to strive to be like Timothy's mom and grandma. I want to raise my girls to have "genuine faith" so they can raise their sons and daughters to have "genuine faith." I want to raise good girls. I want to be a good example.

I strive to be like Timothy's mom and grandma. That is my role; both in the "big picture" and the "little" one.

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