Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story - Introduction

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Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story - Introduction

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God our Father and God His son Jesus Christ are a family and they love you and want you to grow up in their family as well. They are the God Family. (Ephesians 3:14-15)

That is why Grandad and Nanna are writing to you the story of the Bible, which is God’s story of how we can be in God’s family, forever.

God our Father and Jesus His Son, were together from eternity and were there together, when they began to make everything. (John 1:1-3, John 1:12-14)  Then you came along in God’s good time for you to be alive.

You were born for a great purpose our child, and God tells us about your purpose for being alive, in His Bible to be a son or daughter of God in God’s family. (2 Corinthians 6:17-18)

Grandad and Nanna know that God loves you very much and He has a wonderful purpose for your life as our child of God.

Did you know God our Father and God His Son, Jesus Christ have lived forever?

“But how could they live forever?” I hear you ask.

Well, God has many secrets and that is a secret that Grandad and Nanna do not know, but God does give us a hint how God has always been alive.

God does tell us that he lives in the place of time and time lives on forever. (Isaiah 57:15)

God made sure that a book, called the Bible, was written by 40 people over a 1,600 year period of time to explain the secret mystery of the purpose for our lives. The Bible shows why you were born to be a son or daughter in God’s Family.

The Bible is God’s inspired book which tells us how to live, so we can be sons and daughters in His loving Family, forever. It is a very big book as you can see, but it is very important for you and me.

Some people say the Bible is hard to understand, but we have to find the way to God’s truth.

Jesus said we have to really search for God’s truth, because the gate to living forever is not easy to find. Once you find the gate, it is a winding and narrow pathway which leads to life and only a few people find it. (Matthew 7:14)   Grandad knows you will find it, my child.

Finding God’s truth is fun, because we have to read God’s book, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little. (Isaiah 28:9-11)

God sees everything, God knows everything and understands everything, even everything about you, our child.

God our Father and Jesus Christ His Son are like the shape of you and me as people, with eyes and ears and nose and mouth and hands and legs, just like you. be continued in Chapter 1.