Satan's Clever Tactics

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Satan's Clever Tactics

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The Bible gives strong warnings that Satan is a competent adversary. Paul's motivation for instructing us to put on the armor of God is "to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against... spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:11-12). But God goes beyond mere warning and provides us with first-hand accounts of Satan's interactions with men. A considerate reading of these can give valuable insight into just how frighteningly clever the devil really is!

This realization hit me as I was reading through one such account in Genesis 3. We all know the story of "the fall," but let's examine it carefully from the perspective of analyzing Satan's methods. First of all, God had instructed Adam and Eve as follows:

"Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die." (Genesis 2:16-17)

Now look at how subtle Satan's first words to mankind were in undermining God:

"Has God indeed said, 'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?" (Genesis 3:1)

This is an incredibly crafty statement! Not only does Satan misconstrue God's commandment so that it seems oppressive, but also he forces Adam and Eve to stop and think for the first time about exactly what God had said! Eve was faced with the difficult task of transitioning from mere intuitive obedience to giving a formal statement of what she believed to be right and wrong. As it turned out, she didn't quite represent God's instruction accurately: Compare Genesis 2:16-17 to her response in Genesis 3:2-3.

Adam and Evere were admittedly at a disadvantage to us in that we have the written Word of God at our disposal, whereas they were recalling His commandment from memory; however, just as the spoken Word of God was useless in protecting Eve because she didn't know it by heart, our great weapon against Satan, the Bible, is utterly useless if we do not know exactly what it says! David expressed this same sentiment when he said, "Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You" (Psalm 119:11), and he went on to say, "I will delight myself in your statutes; I will not forget Your word" (Psalm 119:16).

I constantly see atheists taking the same approach of Satan that we've just seen: They slightly twist the statement of God's commandments, and then they reason that God is unjust because of their own misrepresentation of Him! Have you thought about, examined, and considered God's laws lately? Do you even know for sure what His laws are? If not, I highly recommend reading through the first five books of the Bible, or even just Deuteronomy for an overview. Within those pages you will find the same laws that David said should be our meditation both day and night (Psalm 1:2). Additionally, God has promised to write these very same laws in the minds and hearts (Jeremiah 31:33) of His true followers! Satan is trying daily to deceive us, and God's Word is our only weapon against him. Let's make sure that we put it in our hearts and keep it there.

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  • Barney
    Seems like modern day lawyers use the same tactic. If man could accept that there IS a creator, and we are part of his creation,and BELONG to him, and are to live as he commands,then chaos would virtually be eliminated. I have heard it said the best way to tell a lie is to tell the truth, then add a "little" bit of the lie along with it. Sounds like a direct quote from Satan! Brothers,be wary and focus on God always. Mankind does not want to accept the fact that he needs anything to guide him or like a spoiled child need anyone to "tell him what to do". It is easier it seems for man to believe that all things happen by chance, and there is no greater in the universe than he!We can see beauty, love and wonder all around us, as well as evil, yet many men believe there is no such thing as God or Satan! Brothers', keep watchful and pray for guidance always!
  • Steven Britt

    I've never counted myself, but, according to Jewish tradition, there are indeed 613. Among them are many that everyone pretty much agrees on and adheres to - such as "you shall not murder" - as well as many that people agree on in theory but not in practice - such as "you shall not commit adultery" (look at how many people have sex before marriage) - and also many that people blatantly disregard even though they are just a few verses away - such as "remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."

    How do we understand and apply God's laws to our lives, especially when it comes to seemingly antiquated commandments about sacrifices or mildew? That's something that we have to ask God to help us answer for ourselves - I only advocate that we actually try to do that rather than to write it off completely, which is what I myself did for years and what most people still do.

    Leviticus 19 is a really great chapter to show just how little of a difference God distinguishes between the sanctity of His various commandments in contrast to the huge disparities that people draw between them in the bulk of Christianity today.

  • Norbert Z

    There is a list of 613 "commandments" (Mizvot) which has been compiled and is largely agreed too within Judaism. However there is debate over the exact number. The online Wikipedia on them gives a short and simple intro to the subject. The thing is they can be 'NOT so simple', for instance:

    Num 15:38 “Speak to the Israelites and tell them to make tassels for themselves on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and put a blue thread on the tassel of the corners.

    And then there are some of those commandments which are impossible to keep now, seeing there is no Temple for Levites to serve in.

    The apostle Paul makes a profound statement about the subject where he wrote, 1Tim 1:8 "But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully;" Which in my view strongly implies that the law can also be used unlawfully.

  • D. Miller

    The first 5 books mention 613 laws...don't they?

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