Our First Strawberry

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Our First Strawberry

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Yesterday we picked the first fruit out of our garden.  We have never had a garden before, so it was quite thrilling for us to pick and eat a big, red, juicy strawberry.  

There is something extremely satisfying about watching your hard work pay off.  Does it make the strawberry taste sweeter?  Maybe not, but I can pretend it does.  There is nothing better than watching our daughter's face light up holding the first fruit of our garden.

I'm excited about our gardening adventures.  It is a great opportunity to teach our children about God's creation and that of hard work.  

Psalm 128:2 says, "When you eat the labor of your hands, you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you." 

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  • Kathy Lausted
    What a wonderful opportunity to teach your daughter, our granddaughter, about God and his creation and the labor involved. She will be a wonderful gardener some day.
  • KARS

    Yeah! Your first "victory garden". It is a pleasure to see how God our Father's tiny ity bity seeds grow to such enormous fruit, vegetable,trees, flowers, etc. When I arrived back home, WOW! After praying for a nice "victory garden" for this year, He has given us a marvelous small garden and much thanks goes to our Father in heaven for His blessings.

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