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Why? When we are little we are full of “why” questions. Why is the sky blue? Why do I have to go to school? Why are those kids so mean? Why do I have to eat my vegetables? One of the casualties of growing up is that we tend to lose our ability to question “why.” Questioning is good for us as we grow up so that we begin to make sense of the world around us. Questioning helps us to put thoughts and facts together so we have a knowledge base to make our way in the world.

Is it okay for a Christian to question matters of faith? Why should I keep the Sabbath? Why does God say to do that? Why should I obey God? Why am I going through this trial? There are some who say that we should not question God and that faith is completely trusting in Him without questioning. That is not God’s position. He tells us in Malachi 3:10 (KJV) to “…prove me now….” Gideon questioned God and asked for a series of proofs that it was indeed God talking to him. Thomas wanted proof he was talking to the resurrected Christ.

The problem is not questioning; it can be how we question and what we do with the answers. Like a parent that becomes weary from a child that continually asks questions without acting on any of the information, God can become weary with us if we continually ask questions without paying attention to what He is already showing and telling us. At some point we must put into action the answers God has already given to us. Through this process we can build on spiritual knowledge and wisdom.

God does not give us answers to things that are beyond our spiritual understanding. This is why our Christian calling is a process. Like a child we need to grow into understanding. We should have trust in God, and if we truly do then we will never have to fear what men can do (Psalm 56:11). We must seek God’s Kingdom above and before anything else in this world (Matthew 6:33). We must have a childlike humility and trust to inherit God’s Kingdom (Matthew 18:4). Children are inquisitive by nature, and parents have a wonderful opportunity to shape a child’s life through their questions. God seeks to shape us to reflect His character so we can be part of His family. Never be afraid to ask God “why,” but remember to always be willing to act on His answer. "Prove me now," God says.

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