What Makes a True Leader?

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What Makes a True Leader?

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Almost 30 centuries ago one of history's greatest thinkers brilliantly summarized the results of good and bad leadership. "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice," he wrote, "but when a wicked man rules, the people groan."

Perhaps you recognize King Solomon's words from Proverbs 29:2. But even if you don't, you certainly know that when it comes to leadership, more people are groaning than rejoicing.

Look around you. How many of our great problems are, at their root, the result of bad leadership?

Consider the economic crisis that threatens the future of the United States and Europe. What's behind it? At its root, for years political leaders have given away government handouts to those who would vote for them—to the point that they are borrowing trillions of dollars to keep the game going lest someone point out that our apparent prosperity is merely a mirage and everything comes crashing down.

Meanwhile we keep building up debt at a frantic pace. It's to the point that several American cities are now faced with declaring bankruptcy because, unlike national governments, they can't create more money out of thin air, and no one is willing or unwise enough to loan them more money that can never realistically be repaid.

What about the wars that plague our planet? At their core, wars are inherently selfish—leaders desire to take what doesn't belong to them (or take back what someone previously took from them), and they rally their followers to march forth and conquer. The result is destructive, debilitating, dehumanizing war that rips apart families, cultures and civilizations. Millions suffer for the corrupt desires of a few leaders.

Most of our other problems are just variations of these same basic themes.

If ever the world needed great leaders, the time is now! But where will they come from? And what makes a truly great leader? What sets apart a true leader from the wannabes and also-rans who have brought us to our sad state of the world?

Few questions are more important to our future—both collectively and to you personally. And you need to know the answers! That's why you need to read the latest issue of The Good News, so you can understand why the world is in the shape it's in and how a transformation of leadership can—and will—make literally all the difference in the world!

Learn much more about what makes a true leader in the July-August issue of The Good News, now available online and arriving in your mailbox soon. Good news truly is on the horizon!

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