Monsters are Real

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Monsters are Real

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Most children are afraid of the dark. Their eyes seem to conspire against them, playing tricks and creating monsters out of shadows.

A bedroom closet and the space underneath a bed seem to be  places of mystery, housing monsters only seen after the lights have been turned out. As a child I was not only afraid of monsters in the dark but during the daylight hours my fears would run away with me as well. The creaking of our old hardwood floors, the settling of the apartment building, and older plumbing offered sounds that most certainly came from monsters laying in wait for an unsuspecting little girl to walk into their lair.

My mother did her best to assure me that monsters do not exist. With all of her assurance, I knew they not only existed but adults were unable to see them because they did not believe. To this day I find being alone in the darkest hours of the night leaves me uneasy, especially if the darkness is paired with sounds of our home creaking and moaning.

What if I told you that monsters do exist, would you believe me? There is an unseen world, one full of monsters lurking about, creating as much chaos and destruction as possible. That world is the demonic world, run by Satan himself. You don't believe? He will be very pleased to hear that. As people of this age become more and more “enlightened” and accepting of various types of religions and thought processes, it seems the demonic world becomes less real and less of a threat in their minds.

The Bible speaks of a time when the unseen monsters of this world will bring real chaos into the lives of many people. Those people will be living at the end of the age, when a power will arise, called the Beast.  It will control governments, religions and the people of this world. This Beast gains its power from Satan and seeks to destroy anything that would represent the one true God.
People will believe this Beast is the way to worldwide peace and a type of savior for all mankind. He will perform miracles, speak soothing words and sound very religious. They will follow his lead and be his tools for chaos and destruction. They will accept the mark of the Beast. He will be so powerful that even those who believe in the one true God and all that he stands for may be fooled into following him. To do so is to walk into the lair of the monster as it lays in wait.

While this monster story may sound frightening, it ends well. In Revelation 19-20 we learn that Jesus Christ returns to earth and destroys the Beast and all of those who are with him. When He returns He will be looking for those who saw the Beast as the monster he truly was. Will He find you?

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  • PatrickS

    "Our God is the only 'Monster Plot'. You can't have one because it is already His" Satan will not win!

  • DJ
    I have said a prayer like this one over a house, school, workplace and church, seeing physical evidence of God’s work (doing all and more than I could imagine). This is prayer for sanctification, dedication and protection over a house/home - adapted from a prayer by Dr. Preston T. Bailey, Jr. "Father God, I come before you knowing that the blood of Jesus presents me righteous before You. It is in the name of my Savior, Good Shepherd and Lord that I speak sanctification, dedication and protection. Thank you, Lord. By the blood of Jesus Christ, I bind every evil spirit that is in this room and command them to flee right now and go where the Lord Jesus Christ sends them. I renounce and reject any inch of this house and property that has been yielded or surrendered unto Satan and by faith I take it back and surrender it to the Lord Jesus Christ. By faith, I claim that this room is covered under the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and no evil spirit can enter it. [Pray the above statement over every room and if applicable the walk-in basement and attic of the house, speaking with "authority" in the name if Jesus. Then, declare the following at front door of the house/home.] In the name of Jesus, I dedicate and consecrate this house to my Lord and Satan has no hold on this house, all that is within and the property on which it stands. I surrender everything in this house to the Lord Jesus Christ and claim it is under His divine protection including all electrical wiring and plumbing. In the name of Jesus, I bind every evil spirit that is in this house by the precious blood of the Lamb and command them to flee, going where the Lord Jesus Christ sends them. I claim by faith that everything in this house is covered under the blood of Jesus Christ from the top of the roof to the bottom of the footing and everything in between, especially anything that conducts electricity. I claim by faith that this house and the property on which it stands is surrounded by a hedge of protection, a wall of fire, a wall of faith, and covered under the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ on all sides, above, and below. Father God, I pray that You send powerful warring angels to protect the Four Corners of this house and property, guarding everyone who lives within. Thank you Almighty God for the complete victory I already have in Jesus Christ. I ask that this house be consecrate
  • dziwczyna
    It's like when Elisha prayed and his servant's eyes were opened to the spirit world. I think it would be awfully frightening if our eyes were opened to see what is really going on around us. Especially all the evil, that is perpetrated by demons. It's sad that people dabble in the spirit world (tarot cards, psychics, haunted house tours, etc...) without realising that it is real, and scary.
  • Norbert Z
    londonbrandon, I checked out James Randi's challenge, he wants to see "under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event." Satan wanted to see an observable event and asked Jesus to jump off the highest point of the temple and survive. The answer Satan recieved was, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'" I don't know Satan's stance on the subject, but to date; he at least looks like he doesn't need a million dollars.
  • Sherrie_Giddens
    London Brandon, your comment left me wondering what you were getting at. Do you not believe in Satan, in the Beast, or what? Was it the comparison that I made between children being afraid of the dark and real monsters? You ask for tangible proof. Proof that monsters exist as in those of the child's imagination? It was only a comparison to the fact that real monsters exist in the spirit world. Is it tangible proof of that fact that you want? The proof I have is the word of God in the Bible. For me it is proof enough. I know it is not "proof" for some, but for me it is enough. In the end we will all have more than enough proof to deal with.
  • SamHill
    The Devil has been very successful in convincing people that he doesn't exist. But look at the world and easily see the 'fruit' of his labor.
  • londonbrandon

    Master spirit manipulators are successfully manipulative? How could they not be? Eve fell prey to the master of all deception? Go figure.

    I would say that this article breaks my heart except that I think thought comes from the brain.

    You could provide any tangible evidence for your assertions and win $1M from James Randi for your cause... just a thought.

  • 2balite

    I know about this as we had to have help in getting rid of a bad spirit in my mother's room. We called a minister up and asked for help in how to do it. It was a bit frightening at the time. Nothing to mess with.

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