One Clear Sentence

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One Clear Sentence

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Former New York City Mayor Edward Koch died last week at age 88. Mr. Koch, a Jew, is said to have asked these words be inscribed on his tomb stone. "My father is Jewish, my mother is Jewish, I am Jewish". These are the last words of Daniel Pearl the wall Street Journal reporter slain by terrorists in 2002.

What would your last words be? Words that affirm your faith and forever define your identity? Think this through. By words we live and by words we can shape our eternity in the family of God. To distille a life into one phrase is to know oneself.

Can we define our life in one simple sentence? At the end of our life could we clearly state in a few words what your life has been about?

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  • Norbert Z
    The questions, "What would your last words be? Words that affirm your faith and forever define your identity?", can make for an educational exercise in my view. However, when selecting those last words, will there be truth in them? When abridging Mt 7:22 to make it sound like an epitaph and define a person's life, "did we not prophesy in your name", what answer does the Lord give?
  • KARS
    Does it really matter? I thought those closest to you are the ones that place their thoughts on ones tombstone. After all; Jesus didn't have anything written about him at His burial site. The Prophets and Apostles had lots to say about Him even after His resurrection from the dead. Chirst Jesus is one awesome God and so is His Father.
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