Coming Beyond Today on the Four Horsemen of Revelation

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Coming Beyond Today on the Four Horsemen of Revelation

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Beyond Today Media is planning an upcoming taping of a "The Four Horsemen of Revelation". It has been a few years since we did a treatment of this well known prophecy from Revelation 6. As we begin to research the subject it is obvious there will be no problem finding fresh material for the program. Unfortunately, false religion, war, disease and famine are still around.

The current issue of The Economist has this headline, "Pandemic Preparedness: Coming, Ready or Not". The article goes on to show how little prepared the nations are for any mass epidemic that could erupt. Then there is this headline from China where a new strain of bird flu seems to be developing and over 100 have died.

Science has made large strides in studying viruses that could create a worldwide crisis. But reports like these above still admit there are mysteries about various bird flus that could elude the best laid plans resulting in the death of tens of millions of people. What is not mentioned is what such a tragedy would do in unraveling the civilized fabric of society. It is fair to say culture would likely collapse under the weight of such a human tragedy.

This will be a serious program on a very serious subject. Coming in August.

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