Tragedy in Oklahoma

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Tragedy in Oklahoma

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It is a time for grieving in Moore, Oklahoma. The morning after a terrible swift moving tornado touched down that city and the state are recovering from the shock of death and destruction visited upon them in a matter of minutes on Monday afternoon. Our prayers go out to the victims and their families and friends. The slow movements of a new reality and recovery are upon them in the cold clear light of a new life. May God, who alone knows why He allows these forces of nature to randomly occur, hold them all in His perfect grace.

This is tornado season. The turbulent changes of hot and cold air and wet and dry conditions create the perfect conditions for these monster storms on the plains of the American Midwest. Oklahoma is part of what is called "tornado alley" and living in this region carries risks–but no one is fully prepared for such violent visitations. 

The United Church of God has members in the region and it appears none of them suffered any direct damage. When a tragedy of this proportion strikes all suffer and grieve for the pain endured by the many who must pick up the pieces of a shattered life. Oklahoma will come together and rebuild this community. It is not only a way of life in this part of the country but is expected. May God bless the efforts of all who lend a hand to help them from the rubble.

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  • Webelieve
    @ Person.. Hello and shalom. The survivors are certainly being prayed for and taken care of through various agencies of which some I do support. I was in no way belittling the tragedy but simply reminding folks to pray always as we are taught because we do not know of our end day on this earth. Why pray for someone whose 'silver cord' has broken? Indeed, all of us that have been victims of tragedies like this or worse or not as bad, have compassion for all. I pray Person that your life will improve very soon. Shalom & shalom. Please pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Maranatha, maranatha, maranatha!! Hurry back soon oh Yeshua Messiah.
  • Person
    To baaronw: this man wrote a wonderfull article on what just happened in oklahoma, where people lost everything. Their homes, everything they owned, even lives were lost in this tornado, and you get hung up on one little phrase in this article because you think it sounds to much like we think that our thoughts can directly alter a situation, when you and I both know that is not what is ment here? To webelive: there are still people that are alive, arent there? There are still people that are left to pick up the shattered remanents of live they once had, and move on without spouces, parents, or children. To both of you: so unless you are out there right now, doing everything in your power to help these people rebuild, and even if you are, if you are going to post comments like those, you have the right to remain silent. Use it.
  • Webelieve
    With all respect I agree with BaaronW. I will add that it is too late to pray for the deceased ones as Our Father's Word teaches. It is always good to be thankful of course. This tragedy will almost certainly turn some folks' heart to Father Yahweh as He also teaches. Remember Job. Personally I feel this is another sign of the end time and so I rejoice in that. We too live in the tornado belt and because of this I have watched the weather maybe more than others and I can truthfully say that each spring is worse than the previous. And each new spring will be worse. I am thanful AND blessed that we do have an undergroud tornado shelter and have had to use it last year but not this year--yet. Furthermore, by Yahweh's Grace, the storm skipped our neighborhood but did take the roof off the local Masonic building! heehee..I do get such a tickle about that. Our heavenly FATHER is so awesome!! Shalom and shalom and please pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May Yeshua Messiah return soon.
  • BaaronW
    Mr. McNeely, while this tragedy is heartbreaking and your article covers it quite well, there is one point which should be addressed. In the first paragraph you say "our prayers go out to the victims and their families and friends" This phrase pops up often around times of tragic events such as these and doesn't seem an appropriate expression of a true Christian prayer. In modern culture the expression "our thoughts and prayers go out to these people" is popular, and if unchecked could lend to ideas of our own thoughts (or vibes, so to speak) having power to bring about change and results for these people. Our prayers should be directed to God, on behalf of these victims (Matthew 6:9). These prayers should be a request of God for their ongoing safety and recovery, a request for God to comfort them and provide for their needs going forward. While I am confident these are the types of prayers you had in mind, it is sincerely important we, as Christ's ambassadors, give God the Father the same glory and credit Christ Himself did, as read in the scriptures. John 5:19 "Then answered Jesus and said unto them, 'Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of Himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise." Thank you again Mr. McNeely for your article. May we all continue to pray for God's intervention and comfort for victims of every sort of tragedy.
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