Showing Respect to the Elderly: Why Should Experience Get Penalized?

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Showing Respect to the Elderly

Why Should Experience Get Penalized?

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Do we, as a nation, as an individual, show respect to our older, wiser generation? As many of the baby-boomers reach their golden years and join the seniors before them how should they be treated? Many are reaching the autumn years of their life. It should be the golden years, but is it? Should the elderly be penalized because of their age or should they be honored?

I have had this on my mind a lot lately concerning the lack of honor and respect that society shows the elderly. As I am approaching those golden years, I am reminded of how quickly life passes you by. Life is a vapor as stated in James 4:14 "You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away". But are the golden years truly golden years for many of our seniors?

A rare exception is a story I read about Jack McKeon, being brought back to coach the Florida Marlins in 2011. McKeon, the second-oldest manager in Major League Baseball history, returning at age 80 said "Why should experience get penalized? Eighty doesn't mean a thing. I'm not 80. My birth certificate says that, but I'm not 80."

McKeon went on to say his age should have no bearing on his work with the team. McKeon led the Marlins to their second World Series championship in 2003. The Florida Marlins realized their need for 80 year old McKeon and brought him back to coach. What a rare story! It was so refreshing to read.

Why should experience get penalized? Sadly, as we reach our golden years, it happens all the time, doesn't it? Many people find themselves penalized because of their age even though they may have the experience, the wisdom to do the job. Lose your job at fifty and try to find another job brings on a discouraging, rude awakening. Experience suddenly doesn't count for anything in a youthful, oriented world.

Thankfully, there are countries that place great value on their elderly and take this scripture to heart. Leviticus 19:32 - "Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly...(NIV)" Many countries, such as India and China hold the older generation in high esteem, but America, not so much. Our nation has shifted to the mentality of a "youth oriented," society while pushing out our elderly. This "youth oriented" mentality is totally opposite of what God teaches us. Don't get me wrong, we need our youth, as they are our future leaders, but not at the expense of pushing the elderly aside.

How does God view the elderly?

As beautiful:

Proverbs 16:31 -- "Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained by living a godly life" (NLT).

Worthy of honor:

Exodus 20:12 -- "Honor your father and your mother."

Leviticus 19:32 -- "Thou shalt rise up [in respect] before the hoary head, and honor the face of the old man."

Job 32:4-6 -- "Elihu had waited till Job [and the others] had spoken, because they were elder than he."

Proverbs 23:22 -- "Hearken unto thy father...and despise not (respect) thy mother when she is old."

A source of wisdom (if godly):

Titus 1:9 -- "Elders are to teach sound doctrine to others."

Titus 2:3 -- Older women are to teach what is good, be mentors for young women; many prophets were old men/women, still actively declaring God's word.

2 Timothy 1:5 -- Lois diligently taught Timothy.

1 Timothy 5:5-10 -- Prayer, a special ministry for women over 60.

Titus 1:9 -- Elders are to teach sound doctrine to others.

Job 12:12 -- "With the ancient is wisdom; and in length of days understanding."

Job 32:7 -- "Days should speak, and multitude of years...teaches wisdom."

1 Kings12:1-16 -- King Rehoboam's folly in not following the wise advice of the old men.

Examples of God working with the elderly

There are many examples in the Bible of God working with the seniors. Here are some examples:

Daniel: Daniel 9:1; Daniel 10:1 -- Received two of his greatest revelations between the ages of 85 and 90.

The apostle John: Revelation.1:1 & Revelation 1:9 -- Received the Book of Revelation in exile on Patmos, in his 80's or 90's.

Samuel: 1 Samuel 12:1-19 -- Aged and grey-headed, prayed and the Lord performed a miracle to punish the errant Israelites.

Anna, a prophetess: Luke 2:36-38 -- 84 years old, served God with fasting and prayers night and day. Anna also witnessed to others about Jesus.

Paul: Philemon 1:9-16 -- Led Onesimus to receive Jesus. Acts 28:30-31 - Paul witnessed to all those who came to visit him. He was also busy writing letters while he was in prison, when out of prison he visited, and encouraged others.

Aaron and Moses: Exodus 7:7 -- God uses Aaron and Moses at the age of 80 and 83 when they spoke to Pharaoh.

Joshua and Caleb: Joshua was given the charge of leading the conquest of Canaan, during the last thirty years of his life (he lived until he was 110, Joshua 24:29). Caleb was also very much involved in the conquest, and he was in his 80's. - Joshua 14:6-11

Noah: Genesis 7:7 -- Noah was 600 years old when the floodwaters came on the earth.

Sarah: Genesis 18:10-15; Genesis 17:15-17; Genesis 21:1-2 -- We cannot forget Sarah, at 90, laughs and doubts she can have a child.

Elizabeth: Luke 1:36-37 -- Has a child (John the Baptist) in her old age.

There are many other examples of how God used those in their "golden years" to serve Him. Now that we know how God uses and looks at the elderly how should we treat our elderly?

How should we treat the elderly?

Care for the elderly. Look how God cares for the elderly; Isaiah 46:4 - Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he. I am he who will sustain you" (NIV). (See also Psalm 71:8-9; Psalm 71:17-18)

We must take care of our elderly when they are old. 1 Timothy 5:1-8 mentions not to rebuke an older man, treat him as a father…honor widows—if they have children or grandchildren they are to care for them. It is our religious duty to care for our own family, to provide for our relatives, or we have disowned the faith!! Ruth didn't rest from gleaning so she could provide for her mother-in-law, Naomi (Ruth 2:7-11).

Genesis 42-50 shows Joseph's example of how he cared for Jacob, his father, when he was old. Joseph had Benjamin go home to transport the family to Egypt to establish Jacob in a good home and gave Jacob time to play with his grandchildren. Joseph listened to Jacob regarding prophecy, wept over him, and buried him in the land of Israel.

Caring for the elderly also requires knowledge. There are many books published on how to understand your spouse, teens, toddler and your children. There are even books on how to understand your dog. How about taking the time to read up and study about growing old, what happens to the body and mind when you age? Knowledge will give you a better understanding of how to care for and understand the elderly and better equip you as you grow older.

In reference to caring for our seniors, research the different phases that they go through in regards to their health, such as loss of hearing, sight, sensitivity to touch, and yes noise. In better understanding what happens in the aging process can better help in caring for our seniors.

Respect for the elderly. This is the big one! "Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the LORD" (Leviticus 19:32 NIV). How do you do this? Perhaps simple things, like opening a door for someone, or leaving the closest parking space for the elderly.

Taking time to get to know them and ask for advice and even listen to their advice, as Joseph did with Jacob. Your elders have lived a lot longer than you, which means, they have experienced more and have grown very wise. Listen to what they have to offer. They have the time to do it! Just letting them know they matter! The respect that says, "You still matter to God." When you hurt, God cares. When you are lonely, God is there. When you feel abandoned, God is faithful. The respect that says, "I'm interested in your life." What was your vocation? Where did you live? "What do you think of this or that national crisis? The respect that says, "I want to hear your opinion on child rearing." Do you have a different view than mine? Does your life experience tell you something different? Help me understand what you are thinking. I will listen. "Is not wisdom found in the aged? Does not long life bring understanding" (Job 12:12 NIV). Seek to learn from them.

Why not allow them to share with you their life. Timothy learned from the Apostle Paul. The Apostle Paul was experienced and had been there. Had Timothy not allowed Paul to share his life with him, the church might have been hurt, even destroyed where Timothy was concerned.

Ask them about their childhood, or how things were in the past. They'll be happy that you're interested, and glad to tell you all sorts of cool stories.

Young mothers, seek the advice of the older women who have been there and raised their own children. Young men, be the one to seek knowledge from the older men in the church.

The older generation should never be made to feel that they are thrown away and forgotten. I was reminded recently by something that someone told me that the nursing homes are filled with former doctors, nurses, and engineers and on and on. We tend to look at them as just old people in a nursing home, instead of people who have lived life before you. Old age should be a time for years of great wisdom to share. The elderly have made their mark on life. They have performed well, and have confidence that their life was well spent in raising children, making the world a better place, and in training the next generation. They have a wealth of wisdom to share, experience to relate, expressions and advice on life to share. They await new experiences, and are getting prepared for the last experience of this life, and preparing for God's Kingdom! They have earned our love and respect!

Just because we might walk a little slower, rise up a little slower does not mean that someone is useless. Just because we have more aches and pains does not count us useless. It grieves me how the younger generations seems to know more than the elderly that walked this life before them. That the younger generations become the teachers instead it should be the other way around.

Age carries with it only one promise. That when we are old we will receive the respect, dignity and honor that is due us. That someone will care and want to return the love and care that was given so long ago to others. It is the Golden Rule in effect. They just want to be treated with respect.

We must be a part of "Rising Up and Respecting the Older Generation," in actions, deeds and a great deal of humility. Remember young people; treat the older generation the way you want to be treated when you reach your golden years. "What goes around, comes around"

And a word of advice to the elderly who are in their golden years; Do not feel entitled, but serve where you can and give. Remember - growing old is a privilege allowed by God. It is an opportunity to be useful and productive a little longer in the service of church, community and to our God. Truly age is beautiful. Remember God's admonishment in Psalm 92:13-14 - They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be (fresh) and flourishing. Be the example that deserves honor and respect. Titus 2:2-3 – Aged men be sober, (reverent), temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience that they may teach.

No matter what, we are required by God, to show respect and care for our elderly. As Jack McKeon said "Why should experience get penalized?" just because we walk a little slower, have a few more grays. Under those gray hairs is a wealth of wisdom. Behind all those aches and pains as a result of walking a life's journey, is a hidden wealth of experience and knowledge. Let us all take advantage of that wisdom and not penalize people for being old by throwing them away.

In closing, something to remember; the way we treat our elders is the model our children and others may use in relating to us when we are old. If that is true, how will those younger persons treat us when we are old? We may be writing the script right now by the way we treat our elderly! Humble yourself and be willing to learn, from our very experienced older generation. Don't kick them aside.

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  • Janet Treadway
    Just saw your wonderful post Dave Teague. I hope you are doing well. Both of you have been a great to me. Keep painting! :-)
  • dave teague
    Janet, Well thought out and well written. Thank you for taking the time and effort to write such a moving article. Natasha and I both appreciate the love, compassion and spirit of this piece. Thank you and warm regards.
  • Juma
    ... Very well written Article... I Didn't realize that God placed so much in the bible about senors...Very incouraging. Thank-you for sharing..
  • KARS
    Hi Taylor, There are still parents teaching respect for their elders. The media hasn't helped much over the years. So it is the parents or guardians responsibilty to teach the children in thier youth. Babysitters, daycare, and the like can do only so much.
  • Janet Treadway
    Respect is lost everywhere in our country but especially in regards to our seniors. What is so encouraging is how God looks at our seniors. Reflecting on how many people He used in the Bible when they were seniors, men and women alike is very encouraging. Speaks volumes of our Creator. And Ruth certainly showed such great respect to her mother-in-law by staying with her and gleaming the fields to provide food for her and herself. Ruth was very blessed for that. Sometimes it seems that young people feel they know it all and have all the answers to life. How much trouble are young people could save themselves, if they would just humble themselves, and seek advice from the experienced seniors. I guess we were all like that in our twenties and thirties. Wanting to be independent and make our own decisions. Jay Leno comes to mind with another example of being replaced by the younger Jimmy Fallen. Even though his ratings are higher than the other night time shows, his contract was not renewed in order to draw a younger generation. Then you have shows like Betty White that in my opinion does further damage to cause disrespect to the senior generation. The comedy that she host, "Off Their Rockers." Our older generation tends to hold to values that our younger generations needs to latch on too, such a good work ethics, the value of money, and Bible centered principals. We certainly have to set the right example as the older generation by not getting bitter or angry of how we are treated, but with an attitude of service and helping where we can. For in the end, what God thinks is what matters.
  • taylor_devry
    No, there is no respect for the elderly in the states. Seniors are viewed as being useless by most of the youth, some young people will quickly inform an ederly person that they are old. Young people think they know more than their seniors, they don't realize that with age comes knowledge and wisdom, and how much of an asset seninors can be to them.
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